
Pluto is a critically acclaimed manga series created by Naoki Urasawa and Osamu Tezuka, blending sci-fi and mystery elements into a gripping narrative. The story begins with the violent murder of Montblanc, a legendary Swiss robot known for his heroic deeds during the 39th Asian War and his later commitment to nature conservation. Montblanc’s death sends shockwaves through the world, as both humans and robots mourn the loss of a beloved figure. His gentle nature and dedication to peace had made him a symbol of hope in a world still grappling with the scars of war, heightening the tragedy of his demise.

As Europol detective Gesicht, a fellow war veteran and robot, investigates Montblanc’s murder, he uncovers a series of shocking revelations. The trail leads to a shadowy figure known only as “Pluto,” and a sinister conspiracy aimed at destroying the eight specialized robots who played crucial roles in the war. As Gesicht races to protect the surviving robots, he is forced to confront his own memories, the complexities of morality, and the growing tension between humans and machines. The story delves deep into themes of humanity, identity, and the fragile peace between man and machine, crafting a powerful narrative that questions what it means to be alive.